*for zoom in function "click and hold" on the book's page
Winner of 2017 International PhotoBook Award in Los Angeles.
Award on 32. Slovenian bookfair (2016) for best design among monographic and bibliophilic books (Sara Badovinac and Peter Zabret, PRAPESA).
Title: Guardians of the Spoon
© 2016 Manca Juvan, ZRC SAZU
112 pages
21,1cm x 26,8 cm
hard cover, wire-o binding, slipcase
Print run: 300
Price: 49 EUR
Photos: Manca Juvan
Texts: Saša Petejan and Urška Strle
Foreword: Slavoj Žižek
Editor: Manca Juvan
Design and layout: Prapesa (Sara Badovinac, Peter Zabret)
E-book implementation: Dejan Paradiž
Copy editor: Jeff Bickert
Translation: Manca Gašperšič
Reviewers: Oto Luthar, Marta Verginella
Publisher: Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing and Inštitut za kulturne in spominske študije/ Institute of Culture and Memory Studies
Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani
ISBN 978-961-254-940-4 (html)
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